
The best resistance bands of 2023 for every fitness goals

Whether you’re looking to add upper-body conditioning, core exercises, or physical therapy into your routine, using resistance bands is a great way to level up your workouts and help improve your strength, stability, and mobility.

Exercise buddy / partner / companion

Time to get an exercise buddy if you are struggling to maintain your fitness regime. The journey to stay healthy and fit is a long one like a marathon .. do it together with someone.

Keeping up with the fitness buddy

Bored of solo gym workouts? Grab a workout buddy and have fun reaching your fitness goals together! Read this article by Health Hub

How to make your partner your exercise buddy

How do you overcome the challenges of mismatched fitness levels, different exercise preferences and distinct fitness goals with your partner? Read this article by ABC Everyday.


Collaborate. Coordinate. Communicate. Connect. A range of simple yet effective weight-bearing and force-exertion exercises that are executed by 2 persons without the need to use gym machines and equipment.

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